Parmele Post Rehab Exercise and Massage

post rehab

Medical Exercise Training

Medical/Post Rehab Training

Did you recently finish physical therapy and need ongoing managment? Or maybe you have a previous injury that continually causes you pain and you’re not sure how to manage it… Whatever the situation, we are the place for you! 

We are the bridge between physical therapy and fitness.  The truth is, most personal trainers are not adept at handling clients dealing with chronic pain.  This can lead to re-injury or lack of progress in your fitness journey.  Since 2016 I have studied and learned how to train clients dealing with a variety of medical conditions.  I understand what’s required in order to help improve your condition as well as educate you on how to manage it once you are finished with your training. 

 So What is Medical Exercise?

The Medical/post rehab exercise focuses on strength training, balance training, coordination, joint
stability, range of motion/flexibility, endurance, power and proprioception. Each or some of these
components are impacted negatively with injury. We use a protocol based approach, and
continually modify the program if needed. At this clinic we specialize in shoulder and lumbar
conditions as well as diabetes and hypertension.

Before each session we assess range of motion, we test to see if there are any limitations or pain with certain movements. We then spend time releasing muscle tension that may be inhibiting the range of motion.


Young Athlete? 

The weight room can be an intimidating place for teens just getting started with exercise.  Schedule your athlete some exercises sessions to help prepare their mind, body and attitude when it’s time to hit the gym. 

We start with the basics! We go over lifting techniques, body awareness, how to engage your core through movements, brain to muscle connectivity… those are the most important aspects to understand and grasp as you begin exercising for the first time. From there it’s all about strengthening from the inside out. We will work on joint stability, balance, mobility, coordination, strength, power. Our goal is to get them comfortable in the weight room and to reduce their chance of injury, whether it be in the weight room or playing sports.

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What We Specialize In

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